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Get ready for spring by removing dust and pollen from the air

10/09/23 3 min reading time HealthCleanliness

After the dark, cold days of winter, spring is always welcome. But it also brings with it both dust and pollen which can create issues for your operation.

pollutants in the air pollen

Why does spring exacerbate issues with unclean air?

Remove dust from the air:
The first warm spring days not only bring good vibes but also unwelcome visitors: pollen and dust.

And your business is not immune to them. These tiny particles can find their way into your facilities through even the tiniest openings. And once they are inside, they can cause havoc. Not just for your machinery and equipment but also for the health of your employees.

The impacts on machinery and employees:

Machines are already susceptible to dust. However, the high pollen load in spring makes it particularly challenging to keep your machinery running smoothly.

This is because the accumulation of dust and pollen can significantly impair the function of a machine. For example, if larger amounts accumulate in a machine's air filter, the system can overheat or function irregularly.

The problem is, a poorly performing machine negatively affects your productivity.

And if that’s not enough, poor air quality can also pose a real health problem for your employees. Cold symptoms are the least of your worries here. At worst, high pollen load can trigger, among other things, chronic lung diseases. But whether it's a short-term or long-term health risk: A team that is not at its best will not be able to deliver a top performance.


Sources of dust in your facility:
But pollen and dust from the outside aren't the only threats to your indoor air quality. There are many sources of dust indoors that also need to be considered.

For instance, static sources such as sorting systems, or dynamic sources like goods handling, unpacking, and packaging systems.

Not to mention the most effective air pollutant: forklifts. They are constantly in motion, stirring up dust and causing additional contamination from tyre and floor abrasion.

Looking for a solution? Get rid of dust pollution!

Make spring a breeze for your team with the right air purification system.

Here are our top tips for protecting your team from dust pollution:

  • Routine machine checks: Dust and pollen can bring machines to a halt. Regular inspection and cleaning, however, ensure smooth operations. Plus, when machines last longer, you can save money on expensive replacements.

  • Educate and protect your employees: An informed team is a healthier team. Inform your employees about the dangers of poor air quality and how they can contribute to making the workplace safer. Healthy employees are more productive, and your company will benefit too.

  • Keep pollen and dust outside! Dust isn’t the only issue in your halls, outdoor pollen can be just as destructive. When pollen is carried through the air in spring, it's essential to keep roller shutters and other openings open only as long as necessary. Measures like seals and modern ventilation technology can work wonders.

  • Trust Zehnder Clean Air Solutions: Removing or preventing dust is a breeze with the right air purification system. Zehnder Clean Air Solutions is the best partner for the job.

We can improve the air quality in your facility by up to 90 %, reducing the risk of health problems and machinery breakdowns.

Efficient dust and pollen removal
Discover our air purifiers!
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