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How is dust formed in manufacturing? Our top 5 dust sources

You might think that dust is just a minor inconvenience and a standard feature in your production hall. Think again. These are the top 5 sources of dust that can become a real problem for your business.

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Dust in industrial businesses: A force to reckon with!

Why manufacturing dust really should concern you

It's interesting, really: Dust particles, when considered individually, are actually quite inconspicuous. Often, they’re not even visible to the naked eye. However, when they join forces with other dust particles, that changes.

Not only does the dust become a nuisance for the appearance of your halls, but it can also become a real problem for the health of your employees. Yes, you read that right: Increased levels of even “normal” dust are enough to cause concern. From asthma to lung cancer, the range of possible respiratory diseases caused by dust pollution is wide.

How is dust formed? The top 5 dust sources

Looking to take responsibility for your workforce? Start with the air quality in your facilities, whether it's production or storage. After all, what we breathe is who we are. In other words, if you inhale dirt, it won't be long before you feel like it too.

To prevent that from happening, it's important to understand where dust comes from. Here are the top 5 sources of dust in the manufacturing sector:

1. Welding
No matter how much effort you put in, welding is dirty work. Even local exhaust systems can't prevent that. But what's more dangerous than the visible dirt traces on the workbench is what lingers in the air; welding produces toxic gases and fumes that can silently enter your employees' lungs. Not implementing countermeasures is like sending them straight to the hospital, sooner or later.

2. Grinding
Whether with an angle grinder or an automatic milling machine, grinding is the ultimate dust disperser. No matter how careful you are with the material, grinding dust is like tartar – it won’t go away with simple brushing. And to make matters worse, it spreads everywhere. Nobody needs that.

3. Cutting
Yes, cutting various materials (such as wood or metal) also generates a firework worthy display of dust and chips. Even gentle handling with power tools doesn't help much.

4. Sanding and polishing
As soon as a power tool comes into play for sanding, polishing, or refining, dust is produced. Both the sanding surface and the treated product are affected. And remember: the finer the dust, the deeper it penetrates your lungs.

5. Painting and coating
Surprisingly, surface treatment of parts also contributes to poor air quality in production. Industrial paints and coatings not only release dust but also volatile organic compounds. An explosive combination you definitely don't want to inhale.

Combating dust in industrial businesses

To effectively combat dust and protect your employees from illness-related absences, there's only one solution:

You need to filter out the unwelcome guest from your air before it settles. Your employees can only be truly productive in a clean working environment. Once dust gains the upper hand, that becomes impossible.

So, how do you achieve this?

The only effective solution against dust in manufacturing: Industrial air purifiers!

There are many dust sources, but only one effective solution for all: air purification for industry.

Air purification is an invaluable aid to the industrial sector

It almost sounds too good to be true. Yet, too few companies are embracing the air purification industry.

However, with air purifiers, you can achieve multiple benefits in one fell swoop:

  • Your employees will be healthier as they breathe in less dirt.
  • Healthier employees mean fewer absences, allowing for better planning.
  • With fewer absences, your company will become much more productive.
  • And when you're more productive, it benefits both your customers and your bottom line.

Moreover, air purification enhances your employer image. After all, by providing pristine air quality in the workplace, you’re ensuring the wellbeing of your team. This kind of initiative gets noticed and leaves a lasting, positive impression. Can't hurt, right?

Zehnder Clean Air Solutions' industrial air purifiers remove up to 90 % of dust from the air. Dust that would otherwise end up in your employees' airways.

It doesn’t matter how dust is formed…
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